College of Charleston BA in Theatre, concentration in Scenic Design, Minor in Studio Art ................ May 2018
DAP Studios Intensive Scenic Painting Course, Epsom, UK ........................................... January 2020
URCA Grant Research in converting pixelated colors- printed colors- pigmented colors ..................... July 2017
Scenic Artists Experience
IATSE Local 491
The Menu | Thirsty Camel Productions | des. Ethan Tobman
The Exorcist | Blumhouse Productions | des. Richard A. Wright
Halloween Ends | Rough House Productions | des. Richard A. Wright
Righteous Gemstones S3 | Rough House Productions | des. Richard A. Wright
Outer Banks S4 | Rock Fish Red Canoe Productions | Daniel Novotny
TTS Studios, Charleston, SC 2018 - 2020
Pretty Woman | National Tour | des. Christine Peters
Clue | National Tour | des. Anna Louizos
A Christmas Story | Bucks County Playhouse | des. Kristen Soroko
Once | John W. Engeman Theatre | des. Nate Bertone
Shrek: The Musical | Slow Burn Theatre | des. Kelly Tighe
Once On This Island | North American Tour | des. Dane Laffrey
Jimmy Buffet’s Escape to Margaritatville | National Tour | des. Walt Spangler
Bandstand | Bandstand National Tour | des. David Korins
Railbird| Railbird Music Festival | des. TTS Studios
Always… Patsy Cline | Firebrand Theatre | des. Jeffery Perry
Mamma Mia | Bucks County Playhouse | des. Anna Louizos
Bonaroo | Archway at Bonaroo Music Festival | des. TTS Studios
Salome | Spoleto Festival USA | des. Christian Fenouillat
Jesus Christ Superstar | National Tour | des. Tom Scutt
Rock of Ages | Tenth Anniversary Rock of Ages Tour | des. Morgan Large
Great Divorce | North American Tour | des. Kelly Tighe
Spring Awakening | Theatre Under the Stars| des. Ryan McGettigan
Shakespeare’s Globe | Spoleto Festival USA | des. Andrew D. Edwards
High Water | Charleston Music Festival | des. TTS Studios
Showtime at the Pink Flamingo | Atlantis Paradise Island | des. Philip Gladwell
CATS | North American Tour | des. John Napier
The King and I | US Non Equity National Tour | des. Michael Yeargin
I Hate Hamlet | Bucks County Playhouse | des. Anna Louizos
Something Rotten | Bus and Truck Tour | des. Scott Pask
42nd Street | Bucks County Playhouse | des. Anna Louizos
Demon | Richard B. Fisher Center for Performing Arts | des. Paul Tate dePoo III
Tree of Codes | Spoleto Festival USA | des. Scott Zielinski
Pia de Tolemei | Spoleto Festival USA | des. Dario Gessati
Jayne Eyre | Cleveland Musical Theatre | des. Gabriel Firestone
The College of Charleston, Charleston, SC 2015 - 2018
The Tempest | des. Ceili Hesselgrave
Rough Magic | des. Ceili Hesselgrave
Into The Woods | des. Felise Reid
An Enemy of the People | des. Carrie Ferrelli
Enron | des. Ceili E Hesselgrave
The Trojan Women | des. Felise Reid
RENT | des. Carrie Ferrelli
Silent Sky | des. Rebekah Rast
Buzzer | des. Felise Reid
Stage Door | des. Charlie Calvert
Superior Donuts | des. Garrett Bell
Romeo and Juliet | des. Carrie Ferrell
By the Way, Meet Vera Stark | des. Katie Mangicaro
The Secret Garden | des. Samantha Dahabi
Ajax in Iraq | des. Carrie Zollinger